Did You Know?

Cardiovascular disease accounts for approximately 800,000 Americans deaths every 40 seconds. Cardiovascular Disease can be attributed to one out of every three deaths in the US.

Coronary heart disease accounts for the majority of cardiovascular disease deaths, followed by stroke and heart failure. More than 90 million Americans carry a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

In the US, Stroke kills someone every 4 minutes. Approximately every 40 seconds, someone experiences a stroke. It’s the main cause of long-term disability in the US.
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Have You Suffered A Silent Heart Attack?
Is it possible you may have suffered a silent heart attack? A silent myocardial infarction accounts for 45% of heart attacks. Symptoms are less intense than a typical heart attack. You may not experience extreme chest pain and pressure or a stabbing pain in the arm, neck, or jaw, shortness of breath, sweating, and dizziness.
Get checked out! It’s a simple test with your local Regional One Health cardiologist. We use an electrocardiogram (EKG) or echocardiogram to detect silent heart attacks, even after the fact. It’s that easy.