- A nurse will speak with you before the day of your surgery to review your medical history and current medication, pre-operative instructions and answer questions you may have about your surgery.
- Your doctor will discuss your procedure with you, tell you exactly what will happen before, during, and after your surgery, and answer any remaining questions you may have after you have been checked in.
- The night before your surgery do not eat or drink anything after midnight including gum, water, mints, or vitamins unless your doctor has given you special instructions stating otherwise. If you take anything by mouth after midnight, your procedure may have to be delayed or rescheduled.
- If you are taking medications, a nurse will provide instructions for these medications prior to surgery day.
- You may visit the surgery center the day before your surgery. Please call 901-515-3900 to arrange your pre-surgery visit to tour the center.
- A member of our business office staff is available to answer questions regarding your financial responsibilities to the surgery center, and will confirm insurance coverage prior to your surgery. We accept Medicare and Medicaid and participate in most managed care and insurance programs. We accept all major credit cards. Patient responsibility amounts due on the day of the surgery may be paid by credit or debit card, cash, or money order. Co-payments and other patient responsibility amounts due must be paid prior to surgery unless prior arrangements have been made in advance.
- If you have not talked with a member of our staff by 2:00 p.m. on the day before your surgery, please call 901-515-3900.
Before Your Surgery2017-03-09T05:14:55-06:00