Provider Profile

Ana Castaneda Guarderas, MD
Emergency Medicine services at Regional One Health
Emergency Medicine
Medical Degree
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru
Emergency Medicine
Mayo Clinic
Emergency Medicine, Aventura Hospital and Medical Center, Miami
Ana Guarderas, MD received her medical degree from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia located in Lima, Peru.
Following graduation from medical school Dr. Guarderas worked for the nonprofit organization CONEVID, which is aimed at giving young investors the opportunity to be mentored by prestigious researchers while working to design and conduct their own projects.
Dr. Guarderas completed a residency at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center in Miami and a fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, both in emergency medicine.
Dr. Guarderas said her drive to care for people is what motivated her to become a physician. “I just can’t imagine doing anything else,” she said, adding she promotes a patient-centered approach and applying shared decision-making in emergency medicine.