Important Patient Arrival Information
- If you are a new patient, please arrive at least 30 minutes early so that all appropriate paperwork can be completed.
- Be certain to bring your insurance card, even if you have brought it in the past.
- Make every attempt to wear metal free clothing and remember, it may be necessary to change into an examination gown for certain procedures.
- If there is any possibility that you may be pregnant, please notify our staff at the time of scheduling. Also, please inform the technologist performing the exam that you may be pregnant.
- If you have had a prior allergic reaction to iodinated contrast (x-ray dye), such as hives or difficulty breathing, please let us know at the time of scheduling.
- If you have pertinent x-rays or prior imaging studies of a similar type, please bring them.
Important Patient Exam Information
General X-Ray Procedures
- No exam preparation is required.
- Women should always inform their physician or x-ray technologist if there is a possibility they are pregnant.
Barium Swallow—No prep required.
Upper GI Series / Small Bowel Study – Nothing to eat or drink for 8 hours prior to your exam.
Barium Enema— You will be required to use a prep kit, which is available at any drug store or pharmacy.
- Take 3 tablespoons of Fleet’s-Phospho Soda 1 hour before a LIGHT evening meal on the night before your exam.
- Take Ducolax Tablets that same night before the exam, 2 tablets at 6:00 p.m. and 2 more tablets at 8:00 p.m.
- Do not drink or eat anything after midnight. (A very small amount of water may be used to swallow any medications the morning of exam.)
On the day of the procedure do not wear any deodorants, powders or perfumes around the breast area as they can interfere with the examination.
Generally no preparation is necessary however some people are not able to undergo an MRI scan due to surgical implants including pacemaker, aneurysm clips or because of previous injury which has left metal fragments in the body.
You will be asked to complete a questionnaire on the day of your exam which will be reviewed by the technologist before your exam begins.
For IV or intravenous contrast exams—DO NOT eat or drink 4 hours prior to your exam. Also, please tell us if you have any known allergy to iodine, of if you are on medication containing the Metformin, such as Glucaphage.
For Oral contrast exams–You will be requested to drink a liquid designed to coat your stomach and intestinal area. After about 2 hours, your procedure is started.
Unless listed below, there is no preparation for your ultrasound procedure.
Abdominal Ultrasound
- Nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to the exam.
- No smoking.
Pelvic Ultrasound
- You must have a full bladder.
- Drink 40 ounces of water starting 1 hour prior to your exam time. Try to drink all the water within a 15 minute time frame.
- Do not empty bladder until instructed.
Renal Ultrasound
Drink 40 ounces of water starting 1 hour prior to your exam time. Try to drink all the water within a 15 minute time frame.