News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

“It’s what we do here:” Pharmacist steps outside her day-to-day role to join rapid response team in providing lifesaving emergency care

At Regional One Health, employees from all over the hospital play a role in our mission to deliver lifesaving, life-changing care for our patients. Recently, staff from one of our rapid response teams and the inpatient pharmacy department played a crucial role in helping a man in respiratory distress. It highlights the advanced level of training among Regional One Health providers and their commitment to delivering the best possible care for every patient. Tinia Harris [...]

February 21st, 2024|

Center for Innovation celebrates milestone as Augment Health completes collaboration for business model validation

Regional One Health's Center for Innovation was created to give medical startups a real-world environment to evaluate their products, technology and business model. Recently, they celebrated a major milestone as Access Incubator participant Augment Health completed a scope of work to evaluate its business and clinical use case. Thanks to what they learned, Augment Health officials say they feel more ready to take the next steps toward getting their product on the market so it [...]

February 20th, 2024|

Ask the Experts: Safe gun ownership can help keep your loved ones and the community safe from injury

Over 1,500 patients were treated for firearms injuries at our Elvis Presley Trauma Center last year. Our experts say many of these injuries are preventable, and they're reaching out to raise awareness about gun safety. We've partnered with Be Smart to share tips on safe gun storage, modeling responsible behavior, and how to talk to others about injury prevention. Firearm injury was the second most common type of injury treated at our Elvis Presley Trauma [...]

February 15th, 2024|

“They’re amazing:” When Robert James needed complex cancer care, surgical oncologist Dr. Evan Glazer and his team offered reassurance, expertise and skill

Robert James knew his unexpected cancer diagnosis would cause changes in his life, including finding a new home for the horses and mules he enjoys taking care of. Thanks to expert care from Dr. Evan Glazer at Regional One Health Cancer Care, Robert is looking forward to getting back to normal sooner than he ever expected. Dr. Glazer used his advanced expertise to perform a complex surgery to treat Robert's cancer, and the results have [...]

February 14th, 2024|

Cervical cancer is preventable…here’s what an expert wants women to know

Dr. John Schorge, a gynecologic oncologist at Regional One Health, wants women to know that cervical cancer can be prevented - it just takes knowledge, vaccination and screening. Women should be alert to symptoms like bleeding after sex, and should have routine pelvic exams and Pap tests. Better yet, the HPV vaccine, which is recommended for patients age 9-45, is proven 90 percent effective at preventing cervical and related cancers. The New Year always inspires [...]

February 13th, 2024|

Once a trauma patient, Adil Abdurahaman is now training at Regional One Health to share the hope and healing he received

In 2018, Adil Abdurahaman was rushed to the Elvis Presley Trauma Center with a traumatic brain injury following a car accident. His parents were told he might not survive. Today, Adil is back at Regional One Health, this time doing his residency rotations for medical school at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Adil has devoted his life to giving back to others, and said he looks forward to treating patients with the same empathy [...]

February 13th, 2024|

Never ignore signs of cardiovascular disease: Whether you need emergency or preventative care, take your heart health seriously

If you think you or someone around you is having a heart attack, don't delay - seek immediate emergency medical attention. Classic signs to watch for include chest pain, trouble breathing, dizziness and profuse sweating. Some of the more subtle signs include back pain, headache, jaw pain, swelling and cough. Tomisha Byard, a family nurse practitioner with Regional One Health, urges all patients to take cardiac symptoms seriously, and to see their primary care [...]

February 1st, 2024|

“We can end cervical cancer:” With knowledge, screening and vaccination, women can avoid a scary diagnosis

Cervical cancer is entirely preventable - it just takes knowledge, screening and vaccination. Dr. John O. Schorge, a nationally-known leader in the treatment of cervical cancer and other gynecologic cancers, came to Regional One Health to make it easier for women to access the tools they need to prevent a cancer diagnosis. During Women's Health Awareness Month, he's reaching out to education patients about cervical cancer symptoms, risk factors, screening and prevention. A cervical [...]

January 31st, 2024|

“He’s getting the best care right here:” Despite being far from home, the Jones family says Regional One Health’s NICU is exactly where they need to be

When Brooklyn Jones went into premature labor, she and husband Grant learned the NICU closest to their home would not have room for their son. They ended up traveling two hours to Regional One Health's Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center, where they've been since late October. Despite the challenges posted by the distance, they say they are exactly where they need to be thanks to the kindness, support and expert care baby Riggs has [...]

January 24th, 2024|

U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen visits Regional One Health to get a firsthand look at Labor & Delivery Center improvements made with funding he helped secure

U.S . Congressman Steve Cohen visited Regional One Health January 23 to get a firsthand look at improvements he helped bring about by supporting federal funding for the hospital. Over the past two fiscal years, Congressman Cohen helped the health care system access $3 million in federal funding. The money has been used to update technology and facilities in the Labor & Delivery Center, allowing for even better patient care and an improved patient and [...]

January 23rd, 2024|