News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

Ask the Experts: What do I need to keep on hand to easily prepare healthy meals at home?

Cooking at home is a great way to make sure you're eating healthy, and Regional One Health's clinical nutrition team has some advice for how to make it happen. Stocking up on ingredients, cooking tools and recipes helps you stay prepared and reduces the temptation to eat out or make unhealthy choices. Preparing food at home helps you save money and gain control over what you eat – both in terms of getting creative [...]

March 19th, 2024|

Cancer wasn’t part of Rick Dorn’s plan for an active retirement – and thanks to expert care from Dr. Neil Hayes, he hasn’t missed a beat

When Rick Dorn learned skin cancer cells had spread to his lungs, he needed care from an oncologist who specializes in his diagnosis. He turned to medical oncologist Dr. Neil Hayes at Regional One Health Cancer Care, one of the nation's leading experts in these diagnoses. Thanks to the advanced treatment options Dr. Hayes can offer, Rick is back to enjoying a busy retirement filled with volunteering at his church and building furniture. Even after [...]

March 19th, 2024|

Ask the Experts: Your risk for heart disease can increase during menopause – here’s what you need to know.

During menopause, women can experience an increased risk for serious illnesses, including heart disease. As a Certified Menopause Practitioner, Dr. Pallavi Khanna has additional expertise and experience in helping women manage that risk and avoid serious illness. Through lifestyle changes and medication, she can help patients lead an active and healthy life as they age. When women start menopause, they expect symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. They should also be aware their [...]

March 14th, 2024|

“He started to see hope:” for Marcus Crews, ONE Health inspired a dedication to taking charge of his health and quality of life

After losing several loved ones and struggling to control his hypertension and diabetes, Marcus Crews was losing his sense of hope. At Regional One Health, he found the ONE Health complex care program, which helps patients address medical issues and social determinants of health. With the support of case manager Karen Tate, Marcus has regained his zest for life and taken control of his health care. There are a lot of things in life that [...]

March 14th, 2024|

Ask the Experts: Our clinical nutrition team shares the secrets of making healthy choices when eating on the go

It's possible to eat healthy even if you're busy and grabbing food on the go. Regional One Health's clinical nutrition team has some advice for making healthy choices at restaurants. Aim for items that are grilled or baked, eat reasonable portions, and fill up on healthy choices like salads or veggies. Remember - a little planning ahead can help you stay on track, even if you aren't cooking most of your meals at home. [...]

March 13th, 2024|

As one of the nation’s first focused ultrasound programs, Regional One Health uses its expertise to train other providers to treat essential tremor

Regional One Health is the first hospital in Tennessee to offer focused ultrasound, a non-surgical procedure that offers effective relief for hand tremors from Essential Tremor. Recently, focused ultrasound program director Dr. Jason Gerrard used his experience and expertise to help prepare a fellow neurosurgeon to provide this state-of-the-art-procedure. Dr. Gerrard said it's rewarding to be able to not only help patients in the Mid-South, but to help expand the availability of focused ultrasound nationwide. [...]

March 11th, 2024|

“They got me a long way:” Loriette Turner has regained the joy of family and faith thanks to the ONE Health complex care program

When Loriette Turner developed a painful hernia, she struggled both to continue her work in home health care and to enjoy her grandkids and church activities. She found the medical care and support she needed at Regional One Health thanks to the ONE Health complex care program. With the help of case manager Cristina Wilson, Loriette successfully healed from surgery and is continuing to improve her health, which means she can once again keep up [...]

March 7th, 2024|

During National Nutrition Month, improve your eating and activity habits with changes that work for you

March is National Nutrition Month, and it's a great time to make healthful changes to your eating and exercise plans. The theme this year is "Personalize Your Plate," which encourages you to make changes that work for your lifestyle. Regional One Health's Clinical Nutrition Team is reaching out with tips to help you make that happen, including planning ahead, eating a variety of foods and finding easy ways to cook healthy meals. If you [...]

March 6th, 2024|

Ask the Experts: Prevention, detection and expert treatment all play a role in reducing colorectal cancer deaths

Regional One Health physicians can help patients prevent, detect and treat colorectal cancer thanks to exceptional primary care, screening and oncology services. A routine colonoscopy can diagnose, prevent and treat colorectal cancer, and experts recommend that average-risk men and women have their first test at age 45. Talk to your health care provider about your specific risk factors and screening needs, and get started on protecting your colorectal health! Colorectal cancer is preventable, detectable, [...]

March 5th, 2024|

Center for Innovation celebrates milestone as Augment Health completes collaboration for business model validation

Regional One Health's Center for Innovation was created to give medical startups a real-world environment to evaluate their products, technology and business model. Recently, they celebrated a major milestone as Access Incubator participant Augment Health completed a scope of work to evaluate its business and clinical use case. Thanks to what they learned, Augment Health officials say they feel more ready to take the next steps toward getting their product on the market so it [...]

February 21st, 2024|