News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

When her injured leg wouldn’t heal, Sandra Williams found expertise and empathy at Regional One Health’s Wound Care Center

When Sandra Williams hurt her leg in a bike accident, she did everything she could to heal, wrapping and cleaning the wound and having it checked by doctors several times. Still, she had the unsettling feeling she wasn’t getting better. That feeling was confirmed when Sandra’s stitches were removed: “The doctor said, ‘Something is going on. Something isn’t right,’” she recalls. Sandra Williams has made helping others her life's work. But when she [...]

August 2nd, 2019|

Regional One Health OB/GYN spearheads outreach to promote talking, reading and singing to babies

It isn’t unusual for parents to hear from their pediatrician about reading to their kids – in fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has an official policy statement promoting the practice. But what if doctors could reach parents even sooner, while they’re still planning and preparing for the birth of their child? Dr. Owen Phillips is spearheading OB CARES to teach patients while they are still pregnant about how to talk, read and [...]

July 31st, 2019|

I had a stroke several years ago. Can speech therapy still help me?

Patients who had a stroke several years ago may think there’s no way to further improve their speech. But therapists say they shouldn’t give up hope. Johnna Johnson has been a speech-language pathologist for 25 years. She currently works with patients at Regional One Health’s East Campus Center for Rehabilitative Medicine. “If you had a stroke several years ago, it could help to be reevaluated by a speech therapist,” Johnson said. “They may be [...]

July 23rd, 2019|

Women’s health: Separating fact from myth can help you stay healthy at any stage of life

Women have unique health care needs and issues. Sometimes we are quick to dismiss something because we don’t think it is important, or we’re simply so busy we let it slip into the category of “I’ll look into that later.” We have all been there. It’s also easy to just accept things you’ve heard from a friend or online as truth. Many women go their entire lives believing myths about their health that simply [...]

July 17th, 2019|

From miracle to miracle worker: Earl House Jr., once a trauma patient, now helps save lives as an RN at Regional One Health

The first time Earl House Jr. came to Regional One Health, he wasn’t expected to leave alive. Eleven years later, he’s the one helping save lives at the downtown Memphis facility. Earl is currently a registered nurse at Regional One Health, but on May 13, 2008, he was on his way to the hospital for a very different reason. First responders told Earl House Jr. the crash that nearly took his life looked [...]

July 10th, 2019|

Keep the 4th of July festive, fun and safe with tips from the Firefighters Burn Center

Fireworks, cookouts and the 4th of July go together like Memphis and BBQ – but even when something is a match made in heaven, it needs to be treated with responsibility. Every year, Regional One Health’s Firefighters Burn Center, the only full-service burn center in a 150-mile radius, sees over 500 patients, including several victims of burns and hand injuries caused by amateur fireworks displays on the 4th of July. Add to that the [...]

July 3rd, 2019|

Your CT scan questions answered: From safety to what to bring

The test does use radiation, so doctors only request it when there is a clear medical benefit. Patients should not undergo repeated CT scans. But, using the test to diagnose a specific injury is safe. Do not avoid a CT scan if your doctor believes it will lead to better diagnosis and treatment.

June 27th, 2019|

In Regional One Health’s NICU, the healing touch of infant massage shows benefits for babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

For babies in the NICU, needles, tubes and monitors are a fact of life. It’s all done to help them grow and thrive, but for a newborn, it’s still negative stimulation that can lead to agitation and discomfort. At Regional One Health, doctors and therapists are looking at a way to bring a more comforting, calming touch into the lives of their tiny patients. Occupational therapist Emily Bunn demonstrates infant massage, which has [...]

June 24th, 2019|