News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

Regional One Health hosts advanced training for therapists looking to improve care for musculoskeletal dysfunction

Regional One Health’s East Campus will host an advanced training program on the Graston Technique, which therapists can use to expand their options for treating patients with various forms of musculoskeletal dysfunction. The M2-Advanced Training program will be Saturday, December 7 from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 8 from 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. The East Campus is at 6555 Quince Road. Regional One Health's East Campus will host a seminar for therapists on [...]

October 18th, 2019|

City-wide disaster drill helps Regional One Health prepare for any crisis that could impact the city

If it keeps you up at night, it’s probably on Ashton Anderson’s to-do list. As Regional One Health’s Safety Officer, it is Anderson’s job to think about and prepare for the nightmare scenarios that can strike a community. This year's city-wide disaster drill tested decontamination and mass surge procedures. The Regional One Health team set up a decontamination tent in the ambulance bay. By doing so, she hopes Memphians can rest easier [...]

October 15th, 2019|

When Scott Finney was hurt in a training ride, doctors helped him heal without dangerous drugs that could undermine his goals

Scott Finney’s life was right on track. He had gotten married over the summer, and he was training for a 100-mile century ride. When he got on his bike August 25, words like “collapsed lung” and “broken ribs” weren’t on his radar. Scott Finney had no idea what lay in store when he set out for a training ride August 25. He would end up at the Elvis Presley Trauma Center with broken [...]

October 9th, 2019|

By promoting responsible antibiotic use, Regional One Health ensures effective medication is available when needed

“Superbugs” are becoming increasingly common, causing alarm, illness and even loss of life as new bacteria emerge that prove resistant to medications. With such incidents on the rise, Regional One Health wants to be part of the solution. An Antibiotic Stewardship Committee works around the clock to promote responsible antibiotic use under the leadership of experts like clinical pharmacy specialist Maegan Rogers, PharmD, BCPS, CDE and infectious disease physicians Sara Cross, MD sand Christian [...]

October 7th, 2019|