News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

Adult Special Care honored with Light of Hope Award for helping HIV/AIDS patients lead a healthy life

Our Adult Special Care Practice is being honored by the Shelby County Health Department with a 2020 Light of Hope Award. The award recognizes efforts to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in Shelby County. The Adult Special Care team is passionate about that mission. They provide the medical, social and emotional care their patients need to lead healthy lives. Regional One Health’s Adult Special Care Practice offers lifesaving medical care for patients with HIV/AIDS, along [...]

December 1st, 2020|

A traumatic brain injury completely changed Marcus Haley’s life – but with the help of ONE Health, he’s making that change a positive one

Marcus Haley suffered a traumatic brain injury on his birthday. It completely changed his life, making it so that he couldn't work and faced significant medical needs. Marcus didn't know where to turn until Regional One Health's ONE Health team intervened, helping him meet both his health care and social needs. Now, Marcus is able to focus on his continued recovery, and he's approaching his future with hope and gratitude. For many people, a [...]

November 26th, 2020|

Ask the Experts: Pain and weakness caused by a hernia can be fixed by a simple, safe outpatient surgery

A hernia is a fairly common injury that occurs when an organ or fatty tissue pushes through a weak spot in your muscle.  It can cause pain and weakness and keep you from normal activities like exercise, work and family events. Fortunately, a routine, minimally invasive outpatient surgery can get you back in action quickly. Hernias cause pain and weakness that make normal activities such as work, exercise and family outings difficult or even [...]

November 24th, 2020|

“I don’t want to be the last face anyone sees:” Regional One Health physicians, leaders urge masking and distancing to reverse COVID-19 spike

The holiday season is here - and so is a global pandemic that continues to put lives at risk. Regional One Health leaders are imploring everyone to play it safe: avoid travel and gathering with people outside your immediate household, wear facemasks and be vigilant about handwashing. Help protect yourself, your loved ones and health care capacity in our community by being part of the COVID-19 solution. For the past ten months, Amber Thacker, [...]

November 23rd, 2020|

When Blake and Ruthie Lichterman’s birth plan was changed at the last minute, Regional One Health turned disappointment into comfort and joy

When Blake and Ruthie Lichterman had to change their birth plan late in Ruthie's pregnancy, they were understandably nervous. They would have only days to get to know their physician and the hospital where they'd experience one of the biggest moments of their lives. Fortunately, they say Regional One Health and Dr. Ashekia Pinckney put their minds at ease by providing exceptional medical care and a warm, encouraging environment. The birth of your first [...]

November 19th, 2020|

Now, more than ever, the outcome is in our hands

A volatile 2020 is rapidly drawing to a close, perhaps to our collective relief. Everyday acts of heroism and resilience have become inspiringly commonplace. But a succession of social and political challenges, coupled with the upheavals of the COVID-19 pandemic, have made us all feel like endurance runners on an endless trail of abrupt turns. Week after week, we sat on the edges of our seats waiting for the all-clear, desperate for “normal” to [...]

November 16th, 2020|

Clarence Gray survived a critical injury, only to face grim odds of recovering while living on the streets. That’s when ONE Health stepped in.

Clarence Gray survived a gunshot wound only to have his recovery threatened by homelessness, lack of food and other hurdles. Regional One Health's ONE Health complex care team intervened on his behalf, helping him find a safe place to live and improving his access to medical care. With the support of the Regional One Health Foundation, ONE Health  is a lifeline for patients with complex health and social needs, helping them improve their health [...]

November 12th, 2020|

Wearing is Caring: By using a facemask, you can keep yourself and others healthy and help schools and businesses stay open

Since early October, COVID-19 cases have started to increase significantly in Tennessee, putting lives at risk and stressing health care capacity. But there's something easy all of us can do to reverse that trend: wear a facemask. Evidence shows coronavirus spread is slower in areas where masking is common, and experts say if everyone commits to wearing a mask Tennessee can reduce its level of new cases. As COVID-19 continues to spread in our [...]

November 10th, 2020|

When Dell Crawford first came to the Regional One Health, he couldn’t walk. Thanks to ONE Health, he’s back to moving forward

When Dell Crawford first came to Regional One Health for help, he was in so much pain he could barely walk, making it impossible to work. Dell says the fact that he was connected with the ONE Health complex care team is a blessing that has helped him reclaim his life. Now, he's getting the care he needs so he can go back to work and the things he loves, like taking long walks [...]

November 5th, 2020|

It’s Kenneth DeBerry’s job to watch for threats at Regional One Health – but he’s also on the lookout for people in need of a friendly face

As a member of our security team, Kenneth DeBerry is always vigilant for threats - but he's also on the lookout for people who could use a helping hand. Since security officers are the first faces visitors see when they arrive at Regional One Health, they are counted on to create a good first impression and help people find their way around. Kenneth has done that and more, making an impression on patients and [...]

November 2nd, 2020|