News and Events2017-05-03T07:36:57-06:00

“They were with me every step of the way:” Tracey Edwards is grateful for exceptional NICU care and the chance to watch her baby grow

Tracey Edwards' daughter Ember was born at 27 weeks weighing just over 1 pound.  Ember had a long fight ahead of her in the NICU...and with Tracey living 2 hours away, there were times she couldn't physically be at her daughter's side. It was a struggle, but Tracey got through it with support from an amazing NICU team and the ability to see Ember 24/7 thanks to our NICVIEW cameras. When Tracey Edwards went [...]

May 27th, 2022|

New film, “The Hearts of Nurses,” shares the story of how Regional One Health’s complex care program changes lives

Regional One Health's ONE Health complex care program is part of the International Council of Nurses' Caring with Courage online film series, which showcases nurses all over the world who are making a difference in their communities. The film, produced for Regional One Health by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, highlights how ONE Health nurses and social workers help meet patients' medical and social needs. It is a new way of delivering care that not only [...]

May 25th, 2022|

Ask the Experts: Getting the right treatment for fibroids can mean lighter, less painful menstrual cycles

Fibroids are a common concern for women during their reproductive years, causing symptoms like heavy, painful periods and a sensation of pressure. A gynecologist can help women navigate treatment options such as medication, interventional radiology, or minimally invasive surgery. Pallavi Khanna, MD, OB/GYN, FACOG, helps patients make an educated treatment decision based on their specific symptoms and reproductive goals. Heavy, painful periods might be due to a common condition called fibroids – and talking [...]

May 24th, 2022|

Ask the Experts: Complete Decongestive Therapy can help with swelling, pain and reduced mobility due to lymphedema

Regional One Health's East Campus Center for Rehabilitative Medicine is now offering Complete Decongestive Therapy for patients with lymphedema, a swelling of the limbs that can occur when the lymphatic system is disrupted. Patients who have breast cancer surgery, radiation near their lymph nodes, and other conditions that impact the lymph nodes can be at risk of lymphedema. However, with early, consistent care including Complete Decongestive Therapy, they can typically lead a normal, healthy [...]

May 18th, 2022|

Don’t shy away from discussing colorectal symptoms – your doctor can help you feel better and prevent serious illness

Many women are embarassed to talk about issues like incontinence and constipation, but discussing digestive concerns with your health provider is essential to your wellbeing. Elizabeth Wood, MD said patients should always bring up their concerns so their doctors can help them avoid serious illness and improve quality of life. Dr. Wood is part of a multidisciplinary team at Regional One Health that helps patients through lifestyle changes, medications and surgery. Colorectal health is [...]

May 17th, 2022|

“It’s not a journey you take alone:” Regional One Health therapists helped heal John Malone’s heart while making him feel like family

John Malone flat-lined for two minutes after suffering a massive heart attack, then spent 16 days in the hospital. Afterwards, he needed intensive cardiac rehabilitation to regain his strength. He found both expert care and second-to-none compassion at Regional One Health's Center for Rehabilitative Medicine. John said Occupational Therapist Dardhielle Jean not only helped him feel better than ever, she made him feel like family during a challenging time. John Malone was doing things the [...]

May 3rd, 2022|

ONE Night Gala, presented by Valero Energy and Drexel Chemical Company, will benefit lifesaving care at Regional One Health

This year's ONE Night Gala takes place May 7 at Renasant Convention Center and features an amazing talent lineup including Sister Sledge, The Pointer Sisters, Four Tops and more. The presenting sponsors are Valero Energy and Drexel Chemical Company. ONE Night helps the Regional One Health Foundation support lifesaving care for patients throughout the Mid-South by funding resources like technology, training and more. Regional One Health Foundation is proud to announce Valero Energy and Drexel [...]

April 29th, 2022|

BIG Initiative puts Regional One Health at the forefront of helping develop personalized, effective medical treatments

Regional One Health and University of Tennessee Health Science Center have partnered to create the Biorepository and Integrative Genomics Initiative, or the BIG Initiative. The BIG Initiative will create a database of DNA samples that researchers can use to study how a patient's genes impact which diseases they get and how well they respond to treatment. The goal is to create new treatments and cures that are targeted toward a patient's individual genetics and needs, [...]

April 28th, 2022|

“He poured his heart into me:” Faith, family and expert physical therapy helped Walter Tuggle get back on his feet

Walter Tuggle was in a mechanical wheelchair after a spinal stroke, having lost use of the right side and much of the left side of his body. He faced significant challenges, but he had incredible willpower and family support on his side. That, combined with the expertise of Regional One Health Physical Therapist Assistant Andrew Wofford, gave Walter everything he needed to reclaim his independence through rehabilitation therapy. As he lay in a hospital [...]

April 18th, 2022|

Ask the Experts: When do I need to see a colorectal surgeon?

Colorectal surgeons like Elizabeth Wood, MD treat a variety of conditions, from benign issues like hemhorroids and Inflammatory Bowel Disease to colon and rectal cancers. Dr. Wood always looks for the least invasive surgical approach possible to minimize scarring, risk and recovery. She encourages patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms to see a health care provider so they can get the treatment they need. For many patients, gastrointestinal conditions can be managed with dietary changes, [...]

April 17th, 2022|