At Regional One Health, we develop progressive paths to wellness that can optimize your performance and help you recover.
To do that, we tailor treatment plans that are unique to each patient, and a new tool is helping our team customize plans on an even more granular level. The dorsaVi Movement Suite uses revolutionary wireless wearable sensors to objectively measure exactly how you move. These are the same sensors that elite sports trainers are using with Olympians and professional athletes to measure range of motion, acceleration and muscle activity.
By recording data at 200 frames per second, at dorsaVi Movement Suite provides our team with visual, objective, easily interpreted data to assess your technique and movement for performance analysis and muscle re-education.

How does it work?
The dorsaVi Movement Suite’s sensors adhere to the skin using low irritant, disposable adhesive pads. There are two different types of sensors that have tiny electronics built inside: Movement sensors and Muscle Sensors (EMG). The movement sensors are about the size of a small USB stick and can be placed on different parts of your body to record different movements to capture and quantify how you bend, twist, and move.
These sensors send the data wirelessly to pager sized Recording and feedback Device (RFD) that talks to software on our computers. The system also allows us to videotape you so that we can show you what’s happening with the data when you move in a certain way.

What can the dorsaVi Suite measure?
The dorsaVi Movement Suite can be used to measure movement and muscle activity on different parts of your body, or it can be used to enhance technique or optimize performance in activities like running.
By recording data at 200 frames per second, at dorsaVi Movement Suite provides our team with visual, objective, easily interpreted data to assess your technique and movement for performance analysis and muscle re-education.