Tag: Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center

Identical Triplets Born at Regional Medical Center

Three of the mid-south’s newest residents were featured in the December 9, 2014 issue of The Commercial Appeal.  Ashton and Jennifer Hall were living in London, England when they got the news – she was pregnant with identical triplets.  According to Dr. Giancarlo Mari, medical director of the high risk obstetrics program at Regional [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:45-06:00December 9th, 2014|

Patient Story: BJ’s twins miraculously delivered at Regional One Health

Mark and BJ were overjoyed when they learned they were having twins, who were delivered in the High-Risk Obstetrics Program at Regional One Health. Do you believe in miracles? BJ and Mark Mazurkiewicz of Corinth, Mississippi, certainly do. After a long struggle with infertility issues, the couple received the first of several [...]

2018-01-03T16:43:29-06:00April 1st, 2014|

The Unintentional Pioneer

How One Man Changed the Face of Healthcare as We Know It Shelley, as close friends and family fondly called him, was raised with an appreciation for hard work and determination. His beliefs were shaped in large part by his Russian grandparents with whom he spent much time as a small boy. His grandfather, [...]

2019-07-22T21:54:44-06:00March 20th, 2014|
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