Tag: Alejandra Alvarez

“They just want their baby home:” During pandemic, parents are grateful for option that prevents delays in discharging healthy newborns

COVID-19 safety guidelines and visitor regulations created challenges for discharging newborns, but Regional One Health staff stepped up to get healthy babies home with their families. The team is using iPads to provide parents with the education they need to take their babies home. The success of the project has also inspired them to [...]

2020-11-05T13:22:38-06:00September 24th, 2020|

Creating Change out of Challenge: COVID-19 was the impetus for curbside pharmacy, but the service will benefit patients long after the pandemic

Regional One Health is now offering curbside pharmacy services at our Outpatient Center, East Campus, Primary Care Specialists and South Third Primary Care pharmacies. Patients can get their medications without leaving their vehicle, giving them a safe and convenient option during COVID-19 and in the future. Our Outpatient Pharmacy strives to remove any barrier [...]

2021-08-20T08:17:51-06:00June 23rd, 2020|

Creating Change out of Challenge: Regional One Health brings childbirth classes online to serve new parents during pandemic

COVID-19 is presenting a number of challenges for our employees, and they are rising to the occasion by creating new and innovative ways to serve their patients. Jehan Ellis led an effort to bring her classes online so new parents don't miss out on an opportunity for information and support. The Center for Innovation [...]

2023-11-20T13:59:39-06:00June 5th, 2020|

Regional One Health’s national leadership in health care innovation takes center stage at American Hospital Association forum

Regional One Health is emerging as a national leader in health care innovation, working with entrepreneurs to bring about a future with better patient outcomes and enhanced care delivery. President and CEO Reginald Coopwood, MD and Center for Innovation Director Alejandra Alvarez were among the featured speakers at last month’s American Hospital Association executive [...]

2019-06-17T13:10:31-06:00June 17th, 2019|

At Regional One Health’s Center for Innovation, disruptive thinking is solving problems and improving care

Disruptive thinking. Invention. Mending what’s broken. Where would this world be today without entrepreneurs? Memphis is on the national map for entrepreneurism. We have business incubators and accelerators, music visionaries and artists in all forms. Memphis also cradles an increasing number of healthcare and medical-treatment innovators who are working to overcome today’s predicament that [...]

2019-03-20T13:20:02-06:00February 13th, 2019|
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