

Infusion Suite

Perfectly Balancing Treatment Delivery & Patient Comfort Thanks to our generous supporters, Regional One Health Foundation recently helped provide funding to consolidate and improve our healthcare system’s infusion services. Imagine receiving a blood transfusion [...]

March 21st, 2015|Foundation, Infusion Suite, One Pulse, ONE Pulse Magazine|

Eating right in 2015

The new year often brings renewed interest in healthy cooking and eating, but sometimes the resolve to eat healthier starts to diminish as time goes on. If your commitment to healthy eating is fading, [...]

February 18th, 2015|News|

Winter weather safety tips

Winter weather can be both exciting and hazardous. Winter season falls, as a result of snow and ice, can lead to long term injuries and debilitating circumstances such as fractures, breaks or traumatic brain injury. Even [...]

February 17th, 2015|News|