Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center

March for Babies supports Regional One Health and March of Dimes as they improve maternal and infant health

Through the years, the partnership between Regional One Health and the March of Dimes has proven richly beneficial to both organizations – and, more importantly, to countless Mid-South families kept whole thanks to advancements in care for mothers and babies. March of Dimes Senior Development Manager Rosa Potts works closely with Regional One [...]

2019-04-26T09:28:28-05:00May 1st, 2019|

Regional One Health has helped make moms and babies healthier through a statewide effort – next, they’ll look to address opioid addiction

Regional One Health has helped a statewide organization tackle the biggest health threats facing moms and babies, from post-partum hemorrhage to weak lungs in premature newborns. Now, they’re looking to improve care for opioid-addicted women and their infants. The Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Care, or TIPQC, uses the shared knowledge of medical professionals [...]

2019-04-17T09:53:29-05:00April 24th, 2019|

During Patient Experience Week, Regional One Health celebrates a system-wide commitment to compassionate, world-class care

April 22-26 is The Beryl Institute’s Patient Experience Week, and at Regional One Health, we celebrate the event as reminder that the individuals seeking healing within the walls of the health care system are the reason we exist. Everything starts and ends with showing patients compassion and care, said Sheena Freeman and Summer Hardy, [...]

2019-04-22T13:18:08-05:00April 22nd, 2019|

Once fragile babies born far too soon, the Glozier triplets are now thriving young adults thanks to the Regional One Health NICU

Every day is a chance to get better. This phrase sits on 18-year-old Abbie Glozier’s Facebook timeline, but it has much deeper meaning to her and her family than a simple social media post. Nearly two decades ago, Regional One Health’s NICU team welcomed first-born Abbie into the world. She weighed just a [...]

2019-03-06T10:45:14-06:00February 13th, 2019|
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