
Trauma Center Honors Dr. Fabian

 It's not every night that a Hospital Wing helicopter lands at AutoZone Park with the founding medical director of the Elvis Presley Trauma Center inside! Take a look at how our team celebrated Dr. Fabian to thank him for what he's done for the Mid-South and our health system.

2018-10-10T08:14:56-05:00July 10th, 2018|

Bella Vita gives back to Critical Care families

Stephanie Singley (left) was inspired to bring food to the waiting room when she noticed other families spending more time there while her mom was a patient at Regional One Health. Stephanie Singley understands the stress and uncertainty family members of Regional One Health patients experience while in the Critical Care Waiting [...]

2018-10-10T08:18:47-05:00June 8th, 2018|

Courtney family thankful for trauma care (Video)

It was an early season football game for Evangelical Christian School against Briarcrest Christian School when Max Courtney was hit in the side during a return and had to leave the game with an unknown injury. Max was taken to a hospital where it was discovered he quickly needed to get [...]

2018-10-10T08:18:50-05:00April 19th, 2018|

ONE Night Gala provides support to Regional One Health

"Our system cares for some of the most traumatic and challenging cases, often with the highest profile and highest risk,"said Dr. Reginald Coopwood, president and CEO of Regional One Health. Regional One Health Foundation hosted its seventh annual ONE Night gala on Saturday, April 14, at the Memphis Cook Convention Center. Approximately [...]

2018-10-10T08:18:50-05:00April 16th, 2018|

Regional One Health recognizes Brain Injury Awareness Month

Regional One Health has joined the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators’ effort to promote Brain Injury Awareness Month throughout March. Regional One Health is participating in Uniting for Brain Injury, an annual March awareness campaign to educate the public about brain injury and resulting symptoms that may affect an individual’s ability to [...]

2018-10-10T08:18:53-05:00March 1st, 2018|

Dr. Fischer leads Stop the Bleed effort

One person can make a difference. That was the idea behind the recent Stop the Bleed training course that taught participants basic bleeding control techniques. Peter Fischer, MD, MS, NREMT-P, FACS With simple steps, it only takes one person to stop a bleed, said event organizer Peter Fischer, MD, a trauma surgeon [...]

2024-01-28T16:44:26-06:00February 16th, 2018|

Sign up for Stop the Bleed Course

Did you know stopping a bleed can save a life? One person can make a difference. Join the Elvis Presley Trauma Center team at this city-wide training course to learn what you can do to help save lives in an emergency situation. Click here to register. Watch Dr. Fischer's preview of what attendees will be [...]

2024-08-06T11:39:12-05:00February 6th, 2018|

Sign up for Stop the Bleed Course

Did you know stopping a bleed can save a life? One person can make a difference. Join the Elvis Presley Trauma Center team at this city-wide training course to learn what you can do to help save lives in an emergency situation. Click here to register. Watch Dr. Fischer's preview of what attendees will [...]

2024-01-28T16:41:40-06:00February 6th, 2018|

Inside Elvis Presley Trauma Center (Video)

“When a patient comes it might look like organized chaos, but our team knows what to do and begins work immediately.” Take a look at the amazing work done inside our Elvis Presley Trauma Center, the only designated Level 1 Trauma Center for the Mid-South. This means a multidisciplinary team of highly trained specialists [...]

2018-10-10T08:18:57-05:00January 9th, 2018|

Clayburn part of city’s soul on Trauma team

Hope Clayburn has a couple of jobs that require her full attention during the nighttime hours. One, she’s a Trauma ICU nurse at Regional One Health. But when not working as part of the elite trauma team at Regional One Health, she often is found playing flute and saxophone and singing on stages across [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:00-05:00November 27th, 2017|
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