
“They gave me a second shot:” Trey Carter, a Regional One Health Foundation board member, experienced firsthand the value of the care he supports

As a Regional One Health Foundation board member, Trey Carter helps support lifesaving care for the entire Mid-South - but he never imagined he'd need that care himself. Trey severely broke his leg and hand in an accident and was rushed to the Elvis Presley Trauma Center. After 31 days of care and physical [...]

2022-01-06T09:16:13-06:00December 15th, 2021|

“I knew I could get better:” Faith, family and exceptional care gave Deputy Sheriff Austin Eldridge strength to overcome devastating injuries

Desoto County Deputy Sheriff Austin Eldridge was struck by a drunk driver while helping a stranded motorist fix a flat tire - and while his injuries were life-changing, he said the care he received from the Firefighters Burn Center allowed him to return to his family and his work. Dr. Ram Velamuri and his [...]

2024-01-28T16:47:00-06:00October 12th, 2021|

In aftermath of tragedy, Regional One Health leaders extend prayers and offer reassurances that the community’s emergency response network is strong

Regional One Health worked with other local emergency management entities to respond to the tragic mass shooting in Collierville  Thursday, September 23. In total, eight patients were transported to Regional One Health. On Friday, health care system leaders addressed the community to discuss the response and offer prayers to those impacted by the incident. [...]

2021-09-30T08:36:44-05:00September 24th, 2021|

Clarence Gray survived a critical injury, only to face grim odds of recovering while living on the streets. That’s when ONE Health stepped in.

Clarence Gray survived a gunshot wound only to have his recovery threatened by homelessness, lack of food and other hurdles. Regional One Health's ONE Health complex care team intervened on his behalf, helping him find a safe place to live and improving his access to medical care. With the support of the Regional One [...]

2020-10-20T11:09:38-05:00November 12th, 2020|

“Fight your Freddy:” Nathan Lumpkin’s excruciating injury could have made life a horror movie, but he’s thriving thanks to Regional One Health

Nathan Lumpkin, 19, was rushed to the Elvis Presley Trauma Center after his foot was crushed in a work accident. Anesthesiologist Jerry Jones, MD helped Nathan avoid opioids by using continuous peripheral nerve blocks, a technique Dr. Jones has pioneered at Regional One Health. The nerve blocks prevent addiction by never exposing a patient [...]

2019-12-04T17:29:30-06:00November 18th, 2019|

David Cummings doesn’t remember the hit-and-run that almost killed him – but he’s certain he’s alive today because of Regional One Health

David Cummings was out for a morning jog when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver.  While he doesn't remember the accident that almost killed him, he'll never forget Regional One Health trauma surgeons Dr. Peter Fischer and Dr. Dina Filiberto. They used an innovative procedure to stop bleeding in Cummings' pelvis so they [...]

2019-12-04T17:30:19-06:00November 13th, 2019|

City-wide disaster drill helps Regional One Health prepare for any crisis that could impact the city

If it keeps you up at night, it’s probably on Ashton Anderson’s to-do list. As Regional One Health’s Safety Officer, it is Anderson’s job to think about and prepare for the nightmare scenarios that can strike a community. This year's city-wide disaster drill tested decontamination and mass surge procedures. The Regional One Health [...]

2019-10-15T11:12:05-05:00October 15th, 2019|

When Lucia Ortega Perez’ American adventure included a medical trauma, Regional One Health doctors eased her pain and boosted her spirits

Lucia Ortega Perez came to the United States from Spain as an exchange student to improve her English, experience a different culture, travel, meet new friends. While she wanted to experience everything America has to offer, a stay at a level-one trauma center wasn’t exactly on her list. Lucia, with dad Miguel and [...]

2019-08-20T12:00:12-05:00August 19th, 2019|
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