
What’s the difference between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Both Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome can cause symptoms like stomach pain, diarrhea and fatigue. However, the two conditions are actually very different, and it's important to see a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment plan. Dr. Leonard Baidoo, a world-renowned leader in the treatment of IBD, helps patients manage [...]

2021-12-07T08:27:38-06:00December 21st, 2021|

I’m worried I have Inflammatory Bowel Disease. What can I expect when I talk to my physician?

If you're experiencing symptoms like stomach pain, diarrhea and blood in the stool, you could be suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Leonard Baidoo, MD, a gastroenterologist at Regional One Health, can help patients reach an accurate diagnosis and the optimal treatment for their condition. Dr. Baidoo is a world-renowned specialist in the treatment of IBD, [...]

2021-12-08T09:14:05-06:00December 8th, 2021|

Colonoscopy 101: Here’s what to expect from this lifesaving screening exam

Colonoscopies are the best tool to prevent colon cancer or catch it in early stages when it is more easily treatable.  Regional One Health gastroenterologist Leonard Baidoo, MD is letting patients know what to expect from this common screening exam, which average-risk people should have starting at age 45. Dr. Baidoo says the test is [...]

2021-09-29T06:56:17-06:00November 16th, 2021|

Ask the Experts: When should I have my first colonoscopy?

The American Cancer Society recently updated its recommendation for when average risk patients should have their first colonoscopy, lowering the age from 50 to 45. Dr. Leonard Baidoo, a gastroenterologist at Regional One Health, said colonoscopies are the best way to prevent colon cancer or catch it when it is still treatable. He encourages patients [...]

2021-09-29T06:55:55-06:00November 2nd, 2021|

“I knew I could get better:” Faith, family and exceptional care gave Deputy Sheriff Austin Eldridge strength to overcome devastating injuries

Desoto County Deputy Sheriff Austin Eldridge was struck by a drunk driver while helping a stranded motorist fix a flat tire - and while his injuries were life-changing, he said the care he received from the Firefighters Burn Center allowed him to return to his family and his work. Dr. Ram Velamuri and his [...]

2024-01-28T16:47:00-06:00October 12th, 2021|

Ask the Experts: Why is it so important to see a specialist for blood cancers?

During September's Blood Cancer Awareness Month, Regional One Health's medical oncology specialists are reaching out to educate the public about these complex diseases. They say blood cancers become more common as patients age, but advances in treatment mean people are living longer and better. It's important to see an oncologist who specializes in blood [...]

2021-09-17T11:15:03-06:00September 28th, 2021|

Regional One Health’s Dr. Ugochi Ogu is helping advance sickle cell disease understanding and care with discovery of a novel variant

Dr. Ugochi Ogu, medical director of Regional One Health's Diggs Kraus Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, recently led the discovery of a novel sickle cell variant. The discovery contributes to the overall body of knowledge about sickle cell disease, in turn helping physicians improve how they care for patients. At the Diggs Kraus Center, Dr. [...]

2021-09-02T09:08:50-06:00August 13th, 2021|

Women aren’t doomed to weak bones as they age – your provider can help you stay strong and reduce fracture risk

Our Transitioning Through Menopause support group provides women evidence-based information to make good decisions about their health. Experts recently addressed bone health, which is a big concern for women as they enter menopause due to dropping estrogen levels. An experienced provider can help you make lifestyle changes and, if necessary, find medications to strengthen [...]

2021-06-22T14:19:27-06:00June 30th, 2021|

New Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center aims to establish Regional One Health as a leader in treating Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis

World-renowned Inflammatory Bowel Disease specialist Leonard Baidoo, MD has joined the team at Regional One Health to treat conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. He plans to establish a world-class IBD Center that provides the type of cohesive, ongoing care that patients with a chronic condition require. Along with delivering exceptional medical treatment, [...]

2021-05-28T08:04:59-06:00May 28th, 2021|

Marvin Richardson reclaimed his voice and health with the help of Regional One Health’s unique Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy program

After undergoing radiation for a carcinoma on his vocal cords, Marvin Richardson started having difficulty breathing and speaking. He ultimately needed an emergency tracheostomy. Marvin's physician referred him to Regional One Health's Wound Care Center, where he could be treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which sparks the body's natural healing processes. The unique treatment [...]

2021-05-18T10:33:06-06:00May 18th, 2021|
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