Kirby Primary Care

Don’t wait for your mammogram! Regional One Health’s East Campus Imaging Center offers ready availability, quick results

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that makes it a great time for women to get on a regular mammogram screening schedule. The team at our East Campus Imaging Center makes that easy and comfortable. They offer quick scheduling and turnaround on mammograms by appointment or as walk-ins, and their friendly, expert approach [...]

2020-09-29T10:20:50-05:00September 30th, 2020|

As a nurse, Elizabeth Raffel saw how midwifery can make childbirth magical. As a mom, she got to experience it for herself.

When Elizabeth Raffel found out she was pregnant, she wanted to do everything she could to have a healthy pregnancy and baby and the magical experience she wanted. As a labor & delivery nurse, Elizabeth knew right where to look - Regional One Health's certified nurse midwives. She said the nurse midwives provided personalized, [...]

2020-08-19T14:37:05-05:00August 19th, 2020|
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