Patient Stories

Thomas Trotta’s road trip didn’t include a stop in Memphis – but when disaster struck, Regional One Health’s Subacute Care team made him feel at home.

Thomas Trotta was driving from California to New York when a stroke and car accident dramatically changed his plans. He ended up at Regional One Health's nationally-renowned Subacute Care unit. The medical treatment he received got him back on his feet, but it is the kindness he was shown that made the biggest impression. [...]

2019-12-04T17:25:50-06:00November 21st, 2019|

“Fight your Freddy:” Nathan Lumpkin’s excruciating injury could have made life a horror movie, but he’s thriving thanks to Regional One Health

Nathan Lumpkin, 19, was rushed to the Elvis Presley Trauma Center after his foot was crushed in a work accident. Anesthesiologist Jerry Jones, MD helped Nathan avoid opioids by using continuous peripheral nerve blocks, a technique Dr. Jones has pioneered at Regional One Health. The nerve blocks prevent addiction by never exposing a patient [...]

2019-12-04T17:29:30-06:00November 18th, 2019|

David Cummings doesn’t remember the hit-and-run that almost killed him – but he’s certain he’s alive today because of Regional One Health

David Cummings was out for a morning jog when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver.  While he doesn't remember the accident that almost killed him, he'll never forget Regional One Health trauma surgeons Dr. Peter Fischer and Dr. Dina Filiberto. They used an innovative procedure to stop bleeding in Cummings' pelvis so they [...]

2019-12-04T17:30:19-06:00November 13th, 2019|

When Lucia Ortega Perez’ American adventure included a medical trauma, Regional One Health doctors eased her pain and boosted her spirits

Lucia Ortega Perez came to the United States from Spain as an exchange student to improve her English, experience a different culture, travel, meet new friends. While she wanted to experience everything America has to offer, a stay at a level-one trauma center wasn’t exactly on her list. Lucia, with dad Miguel and [...]

2019-08-20T12:00:12-06:00August 19th, 2019|

When her injured leg wouldn’t heal, Sandra Williams found expertise and empathy at Regional One Health’s Wound Care Center

When Sandra Williams hurt her leg in a bike accident, she did everything she could to heal, wrapping and cleaning the wound and having it checked by doctors several times. Still, she had the unsettling feeling she wasn’t getting better. That feeling was confirmed when Sandra’s stitches were removed: “The doctor said, ‘Something is [...]

2019-07-24T12:20:31-06:00August 2nd, 2019|

Haley McCommon first came to Regional One Health scared and in pain – just one year later, she came back to thank her “dream team”

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re a carefree 19-year-old girl, enjoying a summer day in the country. The next, you’re waking up in a hospital bed 100 miles away with your spine crushed and an incision from emergency surgery running the entire length of your stomach. You start asking yourself hard questions: [...]

2024-01-28T15:55:15-06:00June 24th, 2019|
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