ONE Pulse Magazine

Spring 2014- Board Member Spotlight

Thomas Hussey: Regional One Health Foundation Board Of Directors Chairman Thomas Hussey joined Regional One Health Foundation’s, formerly MED Foundation’s, Board of Directors nearly four years ago because he not only wanted to be part of an organization that does such good for so many people, but also because he personally wanted to do [...]

2019-02-20T09:05:56-06:00March 20th, 2014|

Expansion. Growth. Progress: Firefighters Burn Center

The Newly Expanded Firefighters Regional Burn Center Sets the Stage for Future Growth “Expansion.” “Growth.” “Progress.” These are just a few of the words that best describe the transformation currently happening at Regional One Health’s Firefighters Regional Burn Center. Deep in the halls of Regional Medical Center, within the building named the Turner Tower [...]

2020-06-24T19:23:56-06:00March 5th, 2014|
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