In the News

“I’m looking at a miracle:” Gia Broadway is keeping the beat of the life she loves thanks to a positive spirit and exceptional medical care

After Gia Broadway suffered life-threatening injuries from head to toe in a car accident, doctors told her she might never walk or work again. For a dancer, teacher, wife and mother, it was devastating news. But Gia wasn't about to give up - and her fighting spirit was matched by her world-class medical team at [...]

2022-01-25T09:53:12-06:00February 3rd, 2022|

Artist Danny Broadway, inspired by his wife’s care, shares the healing power of art with Regional One Health patients and staff

Regional One Health Foundation recently unveiled a new art installation, Healing Motion, which was created by Memphis-based artist Danny Broadway. Broadway was inspired to create the colorful, expressive paintings after his wife Gia was a patient at Regional One Health following a serious car accident. The piece is designed to celebrate health care workers [...]

2021-12-30T09:14:28-06:00December 30th, 2021|

“We are joyful just to have him here:” As they celebrate the holidays, the Reids reflect on their son’s inspiring recovery from a sledding accident

Sam Reid was sledding with some friends when he was thrown into a metal tractor spike, which impaled him from his stomach to his neck. Thanks to the lifesaving care and intensive rehabilitation therapy he received at Regional One Health, the accident does not define Sam's life. Instead, 2021 was full of milestones, including [...]

2022-01-05T10:55:14-06:00December 21st, 2021|

“They gave me a second shot:” Trey Carter, a Regional One Health Foundation board member, experienced firsthand the value of the care he supports

As a Regional One Health Foundation board member, Trey Carter helps support lifesaving care for the entire Mid-South - but he never imagined he'd need that care himself. Trey severely broke his leg and hand in an accident and was rushed to the Elvis Presley Trauma Center. After 31 days of care and physical [...]

2022-01-06T09:16:13-06:00December 15th, 2021|

Regional One Health Chief Financial Officer Jim Proctor joins Tennessee Hospital Association Center for Innovative Solutions

Jim Proctor, CFO of Regional One Health, was recently selected to serve on the THA Center for Innovative Solutions (TCIS) board. "I am excited and honored to be on this board. It provides a valuable resource for hospitals across Tennessee," says Regional One Health Chief Financial Officer Jim Proctor. “TCIS drives value [...]

2021-12-08T09:33:58-06:00December 9th, 2021|

Regional One Health’s Skilled Nursing and Subacute Care facility honored by U.S. News and World Report

Regional One Health's Skilled Nursing and Subacute Care facility has been recognized on U.S. News and World Report's Best Nursing Homes list for the fourth year in a row. The honor reflects the facility's top-quality care, patient safety measures, and excellent outcomes. “We have an extremely dedicated team of professionals, and I commend their [...]

2021-11-18T09:14:58-06:00November 18th, 2021|

Regional One Health’s Cyrilyn Walters, MD, named to Tennessee Hospital Association’s Council on Inclusion and Health Equity

Dr. Cyrilyn Walters, Regional One Health's medical director of ambulatory services, has been named to a statewide committee that will explore equity of care and elimination of health care disparities. She looks forward to the opportunity as a chance to help hospitals, health care systems and other organizations develop strategies to improve care for all [...]

2021-11-10T13:03:49-06:00November 16th, 2021|
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