
When Keke Kilpatrick’s son was critically ill, her Regional One Health family stepped up to help with support from ONE Health

Keke Kilpatrick is known around Regional One Health for her cheerful smile - so when a colleague noticed Keke was visibly upset, she asked to help. Keke was struggling because her son, Deonta, was hospitalized for serious seizures. He did not have insurance and had stopped taking his medication. Our ONE Health team stepped [...]

2020-12-21T15:56:33-06:00December 3rd, 2020|

A traumatic brain injury completely changed Marcus Haley’s life – but with the help of ONE Health, he’s making that change a positive one

Marcus Haley suffered a traumatic brain injury on his birthday. It completely changed his life, making it so that he couldn't work and faced significant medical needs. Marcus didn't know where to turn until Regional One Health's ONE Health team intervened, helping him meet both his health care and social needs. Now, Marcus is [...]

2020-11-26T11:38:24-06:00November 26th, 2020|

Clarence Gray survived a critical injury, only to face grim odds of recovering while living on the streets. That’s when ONE Health stepped in.

Clarence Gray survived a gunshot wound only to have his recovery threatened by homelessness, lack of food and other hurdles. Regional One Health's ONE Health complex care team intervened on his behalf, helping him find a safe place to live and improving his access to medical care. With the support of the Regional One [...]

2020-10-20T11:09:38-06:00November 12th, 2020|

It’s Kenneth DeBerry’s job to watch for threats at Regional One Health – but he’s also on the lookout for people in need of a friendly face

As a member of our security team, Kenneth DeBerry is always vigilant for threats - but he's also on the lookout for people who could use a helping hand. Since security officers are the first faces visitors see when they arrive at Regional One Health, they are counted on to create a good first [...]

2020-11-02T10:36:23-06:00November 2nd, 2020|

For respiratory therapist Trishonda Scurlock, COVID-19 changed everything…almost: “It didn’t change my determination or my love for what I do.”

As a respiratory therapist, Trishonda Scurlock new her specialty would be crucial in the treatment of COVID-19. So, when Regional One Health started receiving patients earlier this year, Trishonda put aside any personal fears and volunteered to take the first cases. She hasn't slowed down since, and she wouldn't dream of doing so in [...]

2021-04-27T15:40:29-06:00October 30th, 2020|

“They’re human beings who just want to get better:” By being unflappable in the face of COVID-19, Alice Sprolls lifts patients’ spirits

Environmental Services Tech Alice Sprolls didn't hesitate to help when asked to clean in Regional One Health's COVID-19 Unit. Instead, she saw it as a chance to lift patients' spirits by offering a smile and friendly conversation at a time when they're feeling lonely and scared. Alice's diligence is also making a positive impact [...]

2021-04-27T15:41:04-06:00October 12th, 2020|

Regional One Health pharmacists became medical sleuths to treat a new virus. Next up: prepping for a vaccine

COVID-19 presented Regional One Health pharmacists with the challenge of finding medical therapies to treat a completely new virus. The team used emerging information from the frontline and their own experience and expertise to develop treatment plans to help patients. Now, they're looking to the next challenge related to COVID-19 - planning for and [...]

2021-04-27T15:41:20-06:00October 5th, 2020|
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