
City-wide disaster drill helps Regional One Health prepare for any crisis that could impact the city

If it keeps you up at night, it’s probably on Ashton Anderson’s to-do list. As Regional One Health’s Safety Officer, it is Anderson’s job to think about and prepare for the nightmare scenarios that can strike a community. This year's city-wide disaster drill tested decontamination and mass surge procedures. The Regional One Health [...]

2019-10-15T11:12:05-06:00October 15th, 2019|

By promoting responsible antibiotic use, Regional One Health ensures effective medication is available when needed

“Superbugs” are becoming increasingly common, causing alarm, illness and even loss of life as new bacteria emerge that prove resistant to medications. With such incidents on the rise, Regional One Health wants to be part of the solution. An Antibiotic Stewardship Committee works around the clock to promote responsible antibiotic use under the leadership [...]

2019-10-07T12:05:29-06:00October 7th, 2019|

Driven by compassion, Emily and Joel Long want to donate cuddle cots to all Tennessee hospitals, including Regional One Health

Emily and Joel Long say the compassionate care they received after losing their infant daughter last summer helped them heal, and now they’re on a mission to provide that same opportunity for other Tennessee families. Joel and Emily Long created the Helen James Foundation after losing their baby girl. Their goal is to [...]

2019-10-01T13:53:49-06:00October 2nd, 2019|

When Lucia Ortega Perez’ American adventure included a medical trauma, Regional One Health doctors eased her pain and boosted her spirits

Lucia Ortega Perez came to the United States from Spain as an exchange student to improve her English, experience a different culture, travel, meet new friends. While she wanted to experience everything America has to offer, a stay at a level-one trauma center wasn’t exactly on her list. Lucia, with dad Miguel and [...]

2019-08-20T12:00:12-06:00August 19th, 2019|

Haley McCommon first came to Regional One Health scared and in pain – just one year later, she came back to thank her “dream team”

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re a carefree 19-year-old girl, enjoying a summer day in the country. The next, you’re waking up in a hospital bed 100 miles away with your spine crushed and an incision from emergency surgery running the entire length of your stomach. You start asking yourself hard questions: [...]

2024-01-28T15:55:15-06:00June 24th, 2019|

Regional One Health honored by America’s Essential Hospitals for population health work

America’s Essential Hospitals awarded Regional One Health a 2019 Gage Award honorable mention for population health for its ONE Health initiative. ONE Health is a program focusing on improving the health and overall well-being of complex care patients. “When faced with some of the nation’s most pressing health care challenges, essential hospitals step up,” [...]

2019-06-21T07:53:54-06:00June 21st, 2019|
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