Monthly Archives: September 2023

Regional One Health, Memphis-Shelby County Schools partner to educate and inspire the health care professionals of the future

A new partnership will bring high school students from Memphis-Shelby County Schools to Regional One Health to learn about health care careers. The students will benefit from hands-on experience, mentoring opportunities, workshops and more, while Regional One Health will have a chance to develop and recruit new talent. The partnership is kicking off with students [...]

2023-09-05T06:36:01-05:00September 12th, 2023|

Learn to save a life: Stop the Bleed teaches how to render first aid to victims of severe bleeding

Regional One Health's Elvis Presley Trauma Center offers training on "Stop the Bleed," a program registered by the American College of Surgeons to train bystanders to render aid to victims of severe bleeding. Our team recently stopped by Rhodes College to train staff, and the program is available for organizations throughout our community. Education and [...]

2023-08-22T13:37:01-05:00September 6th, 2023|
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