Jim Proctor, CFO of Regional One Health, was recently selected to serve on the THA Center for Innovative Solutions (TCIS) board.

“I am excited and honored to be on this board. It provides a valuable resource for hospitals across Tennessee,” says Regional One Health Chief Financial Officer Jim Proctor.
“TCIS drives value for its members by partnering with companies that focus on innovative solutions to help hospitals fulfill their mission,” said Proctor. “I am excited and honored to be on this board. It provides a valuable resource for hospitals across Tennessee.”
The THA Center for Innovative Solutions identifies and vets potential vendors, making it easier for hospitals to find quality solutions for a number of operational areas including data and technology, financial, and workforce, so hospitals can focus on caring for patients.
“THA Center for Innovative Solutions is pleased to welcome Jim Proctor, CFO at Regional One Health, to its Board of Directors,” said Joe Greene, Senior Vice President of TCIS. “Regional One Health has been a strong supporter of our mission to identify programs and partnerships that can best serve the needs of our hospital members and their patients.”
A wholly-owned subsidiary of Tennessee Hospital Association, THA Center for Innovative Solutions seeks to provide THA member hospitals with programs that deliver high clinical, financial, and operational value. Relying on member input and industry trends, TCIS seeks to identify the most critical challenges facing hospitals, and partner with industry leading companies that deliver high value, with a strong emphasis on hospital margin improvement.