Monthly Archives: February 2020

Firefighters Burn Center recognizes Burn Awareness Week with education on preventing electrical burns and fires

Burn Awareness Week is February 7-13, and our Firefighters Burn Center is using the opportunity to education the public about preventing electrical burns and fires. Tips include checking wiring, using extension cords properly and always consulting with a licensed electrician if you're having problems. The Burn Center team encourages everyone to use common sense [...]

2021-10-05T11:23:37-05:00February 8th, 2020|

New Kirby Primary Care practice joins the East Memphis community to provide patient-centered care for the entire family

Regional One Health's Kirby Primary Care practice at 2725 Kirby Road, Suite 1 is now open. The neighborhood practice offers primary care for the entire family, including physical exams, treatment of acute and chronic illnesses and preventative medicine. It introduces a new service as well, bringing our Certified Nurse Midwives to the area to [...]

2020-09-14T15:37:10-05:00February 3rd, 2020|
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