Monthly Archives: June 2019

Your CT scan questions answered: From safety to what to bring

The test does use radiation, so doctors only request it when there is a clear medical benefit. Patients should not undergo repeated CT scans. But, using the test to diagnose a specific injury is safe. Do not avoid a CT scan if your doctor believes it will lead to better diagnosis and treatment.

2019-05-20T19:53:16-05:00June 27th, 2019|

Haley McCommon first came to Regional One Health scared and in pain – just one year later, she came back to thank her “dream team”

Life can change in an instant. One minute, you’re a carefree 19-year-old girl, enjoying a summer day in the country. The next, you’re waking up in a hospital bed 100 miles away with your spine crushed and an incision from emergency surgery running the entire length of your stomach. You start asking yourself hard questions: [...]

2024-01-28T15:55:15-06:00June 24th, 2019|

Regional One Health honored by America’s Essential Hospitals for population health work

America’s Essential Hospitals awarded Regional One Health a 2019 Gage Award honorable mention for population health for its ONE Health initiative. ONE Health is a program focusing on improving the health and overall well-being of complex care patients. “When faced with some of the nation’s most pressing health care challenges, essential hospitals step up,” [...]

2019-06-21T07:53:54-05:00June 21st, 2019|

Regional One Health’s national leadership in health care innovation takes center stage at American Hospital Association forum

Regional One Health is emerging as a national leader in health care innovation, working with entrepreneurs to bring about a future with better patient outcomes and enhanced care delivery. President and CEO Reginald Coopwood, MD and Center for Innovation Director Alejandra Alvarez were among the featured speakers at last month’s American Hospital Association executive [...]

2019-06-17T13:10:31-05:00June 17th, 2019|

ONE Health’s holistic approach to patient care gains a boost from new grant, partnerships to address hunger

New partnerships are helping Regional One Health’s ONE Health complex care team achieve its mission of treating every individual not just as a patient seeking medical care but as a human being struggling with day-to-day needs. In May, United Healthcare awarded Regional One Health a $90,000 grant to launch a food pantry for patients [...]

2019-06-07T08:00:50-05:00June 12th, 2019|
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