Thanks to donations made at last year’s ONE Night Gala, OR upgrades were made to four Trauma operating rooms, three Chandler operating rooms and Labor and Delivery bed and lighting upgrades.
ONE Night Gala is a night of fun, but it’s also a time to give back to the important life-saving care provided at Regional One Health. Hundreds of donors at our 2017 ONE Night Gala made possible new technology additions to our operating rooms that improve our surgical procedures.
Regional One Health performs more than 9,000 surgeries a year in operating rooms (ORs) that are 20 years old. Our older operating rooms don’t have enhancements and technology currently available that could allow our skilled surgical teams to be more effective in delivering care to our patients. But thanks to generous donors, seven out of 11 operating rooms received technology upgrades through 2017.
The OR upgrades made possible by ONE Night Gala donations to Regional One Health Foundation include:
- Stryker iSuite additions to four Trauma operating rooms
- Stryker iSuite additions to three Chandler operating rooms
- Labor and Delivery bed and lighting upgrades
The Stryker iSuite is a technology solution – an integrated monitor system – that allows surgical teams to focus more on patient care by maximizing the surgeon’s control of the OR. These enhancements allow more efficient procedures – such as smaller incisions, shorter exposure to anesthesia and less blood loss – that in turn allow the patient to recover faster and go home sooner.
The new technology allows anything in a patient’s record to be displayed on new monitors in the OR, giving the surgeon better control of their environment while streamlining procedures. The improved technology will go a long way in improving how Regional One Health trains future surgeons.
To learn more about these important OR upgrades that were made possible by donors at our ONE Night Gala, read here.
To support the future of health care at Regional One Health, learn more about this year’s ONE Night Gala.