Monthly Archives: November 2017

Perisho graduates from The Academy Financial Executive Fellows Program

Bret Perisho, senior vice president of business development and chief strategy officer at Regional One Health, has graduated from The Academy GE Fellows Program as a Finance Executive Fellow. Bret Perisho, senior vice president of business development and chief strategy officer at Regional One Health, has graduated from The Academy GE Fellows [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:00-05:00November 30th, 2017|

Inside the Firefighters Burn Center (Video)

The Firefighters Burn Center helps burn survivors return to normal, productive lives as quickly as possible. The center offers comprehensive care that helps patients from their burn all the way through the full healing process to get them back to their passions in life quicker. Almost 80 percent of the team that patients [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:00-05:00November 28th, 2017|

Clayburn part of city’s soul on Trauma team

Hope Clayburn has a couple of jobs that require her full attention during the nighttime hours. One, she’s a Trauma ICU nurse at Regional One Health. But when not working as part of the elite trauma team at Regional One Health, she often is found playing flute and saxophone and singing on stages across [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:00-05:00November 27th, 2017|

Donors & Surgeons Saving Patients

Thanks to hundreds of donors at our 2017 ONE Night Gala, Regional One Health is introducing technology to the operating room that will improve our surgical procedures. Efficiencies matter in operating rooms because time matters.  You can bleed to death in 20 seconds. Regional One Health performs more than 9,000 surgeries a year in [...]

2019-01-04T15:29:16-06:00November 25th, 2017|

Korones NICU team takes best practices to India

Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center Medical Director Dr. Ramasubbareddy Dhanireddy, MD, (right) and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurse Manager Kelley Smith shared knowledge with a new hospital in India. Regional One Health has one of the oldest and largest neonatal intensive care units in the United States. The Sheldon B. Korones Newborn [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:00-05:00November 17th, 2017|

Donor Feature: Deborah and King Johnson

Deborah Johnson’s official title at First Tennessee Bank is “Senior Vice President and Relationship Manager”, but you might say that she and her husband, King S. Johnson, are around-the-clock relationship managers. As Chairman of the Board for the Germantown Area Chamber of Commerce, Deborah is quick to say, "If the right people get together, [...]

2019-01-04T15:29:55-06:00November 15th, 2017|

A Story of Survival

Kelly, Louis and Gary Parrish He wasn’t supposed to survive. Nearly as soon as Kelly Parrish discovered she was pregnant she faced the near certainty she wouldn’t bring her baby home. The pregnancy was a shock. Kelly – the mother of two boys – recently delivered a stillborn son, Elliott Theodore, at [...]

2021-12-28T11:28:51-06:00November 11th, 2017|

Employee Spotlight: JC Malone celebrates 50 years at Regional One Health

JC Malone celebrates 50 years of employment in the pharmacy department at Regional One Health. "I joke that when my mom came back for her checkup she just left me here." Sometimes JC Malone likes to joke that he’s been at Regional One Health his whole life. There’s a lot of truth [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:01-05:00November 9th, 2017|

Alejandra Vega brings personal experience to Firefighters Burn Center

Much of that day in 2002 was like any other for a typical 11-year-old girl. But typical ended shortly after Alejandra Vega and her two younger siblings returned home from school that afternoon. Vega’s family house had a gas leak. The gas smell had apparently disappeared before she arrived home, so Vega had no [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:01-05:00November 7th, 2017|

Shannon appointed to THA, AHA positions

Phil Shannon has been appointed to board positions with Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) and American Hospital Association (AHA). Phil Shannon, Regional One Health board member, has been tapped to serve with state and national level health organizations. Shannon was recently elected to the Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) Board of Trustees. THA is [...]

2018-10-10T08:19:01-05:00November 1st, 2017|