Regional One Health employees attending March of Dimes event.
Regional One Health is a strong supporter of the March of Dimes. The staff at Regional Medical Center, particularly in the neonatal intensive care unit, know first hand the value of March of Dimes’ efforts to help moms have healthier babies. The March of Dimes’ annual walk – March for Babies – was held on April 25th. The Regional One Health team didn’t let a little rain stand in their way of coming out strong and walking to support the March of Dimes.

Reginald Coopwood, MD, President and CEO of Regional One Health, with Pouncer the Tiger.
The Regional One Health team raised $20,000 in support of the March of Dimes. In addition to fundraising and walking, the team had a little fun at the event with guests from the University of Memphis. Regional One Health is the official health partner of the Memphis Tigers. Cheerleaders and Pouncer were on hand at the March for Babies for photos and to cheer on the walkers.