Monthly Archives: February 2015

Brain injury caregivers seminar offered at Regional One Health

Regional One Health is hosting a webinar on March 4, 2015, 2 - 3 p.m. at Regional One Health Rehabilitation Hospital.  The webinar, "Working with Professionals Who Have Sustained a Brain Injury" will feature speaker Madelaine Sayko, President, Cognitive Compass. For a person with a brain injury trying to return to a cognitively complex job, the challenges [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:42-05:00February 26th, 2015|

Eating right in 2015

The new year often brings renewed interest in healthy cooking and eating, but sometimes the resolve to eat healthier starts to diminish as time goes on. If your commitment to healthy eating is fading, try some new recipes to bring excitement to your diet. There are great resources online for finding recipes to meet your [...]

2019-07-22T21:27:51-05:00February 18th, 2015|

Winter weather safety tips

Winter weather can be both exciting and hazardous. Winter season falls, as a result of snow and ice, can lead to long term injuries and debilitating circumstances such as fractures, breaks or traumatic brain injury. Even a thin sheet of transparent ice covering a pathway puts pedestrians at risk for falls. Using extreme caution when approaching [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:42-05:00February 17th, 2015|

Sumter named one of 100 CIOs to know by Becker’s Hospital Review

Dr. Rob Sumter, COO and CIO of Regional One Health, was named one of "100 hospital and health system CIOs to know" by Becker's Hospital Review. The list features some of the most impressive health IT leaders from around the country dedicated to advancements and innovation in the industry. Individuals included on the list [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:42-05:00February 13th, 2015|

Heart health reminders for women

February is American Heart Month. Regional One Health knows a woman's heart, and encourages women to learn the signs of heart attack. Heart disease is no longer an illness primarily affecting men. One in three women die of heart disease or stroke every year, according to the American Heart Association. Education and lifestyle changes, however, can prevent [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:43-05:00February 13th, 2015|

Rx for Change Featured on WREG-TV

Launched in August 2013, Rx for Change is a hospital-based violence intervention program at Regional One Health designed to promote positive alternatives to violence in our community.  The goal of the program is to reduce retaliation, criminal involvement and re-injury among youth injured by violence, as well as connect those youth and their families [...]

2018-10-10T08:21:43-05:00February 13th, 2015|